SQL statements like INSERT, DELETE and CASE in Query Spreadsheets Node

SQL statements like INSERT, DELETE and CASE in Query Spreadsheets Node


Article ID: KB0081099


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.6 and higher


In a workspace, using "Query Spreadsheets" node can extract data from external database to Statistica. But SQL statements like Insert or Delete, are disabled when configuring this node. It prevents you from making any change in the original database directly.


Is it possible to use SQL statements like INSERT, DELETE and CASE in the Query Spreadsheets Node?




Actions such as deleting or inserting data cases are prohibited when configuring a "Query Spreadsheets" node in Statistica workspace. This node only enables you to extract or select data from external database. Using "Write to Database" node under "Data Mining" tab allows you to write data back to the external database.