- Understand that what kind of SSL communication setup for Oracle data source.
- Test the Oracle SSL connection using any other JDBC tool or standalone JDBC program to make sure that you are able to connect to Oracle database using SSL
Now follow the below steps to configured Oracle data source using SSL in TDV: - Ensure that you is using JRE 1.8 for TDV/CIS. If not then upgrade your TDV/CIS JRE version to 1.8.
- Copy the Oracle JDBC jar to appropriate oracle adapter location (Depending on which Oracle driver/adapter your are configuring i.e. Oracle 11g, Oracle 12c etc.)
- Create a truststore/keystore using the SSL certs. (or use the truststore/keystore used in testing using other JDBC tool or standalone JDBC program)\
- Copy the truststore/keystore to TDV host and provide appropriate permission.
- Now create a new Oracle data source in TDV.
- In order to establish the Oracle SSL connection, you would like to use Oracle JDBC url as below sample url (or use the same connection url used in testing using other JDBC tool or standalone JDBC program). To set the Oracle connection url, please open Oracle data source and go to "Advanced" tab and edit the "Connection URL Pattern" property (refer below screenshot).
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SID = orassl)))
- Now please setup the below JDBC properties. To set the Oracle connection url, please open Oracle data source and go to "Advanced" tab and edit the "JDBC Connection Properties. (Please note that below is a sample and you need to use the values according to your environment).
Note: You would like to confirm with Oracle admin/DBA for the supported cipher suites in your environment and use the same values for "javax.net.ssl_cipher_suites" property.
- After that please perform a "Test Connection" to test the data source connection.
- Please perform Add/Remove Resources and execute a table to ensure everything is working as expected.