This article provides inputs on the strengthening SSL communications in APIX-G
This article provides inputs on the strengthening SSL communications in APIX-G
All Supported Platforms
- It is the underlying JRE that selects the cipher suites during SSL handshake. - The JRE can be upgraded to the latest build available, on the supported version.
The below properties in the asg-engine.tra should be updated with references to the latest JRE when required: tibco.env.TIB_JAVA_HOME tibco.env.JVM_LIB_PATH tibco.env.JVM_LIB_DIR
#On Northbound side For communication between Client and APIX As FacadeHTTPSSLChannel is used, the below property can be used to enforce protocol: tibco.clientVar.DefaultImplementation/Connections/HTTP/FacadeHTTPSSLConnection/SSLServerProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
#On Southbound side For communication between APIX and Target Services: 1). Edit the asg-engine.tra file. 2). Append the following Java property to (change the values per requirement). -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 3). Restart the engine. One could consider enabling TLSv1.2 only here and check if that helps.