Salesforce Error: Status Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD

Salesforce Error: Status Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD


Article ID: KB0078003


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


During the run of an Integration Services Solution, if you see the error below, analyze the message carefully.  What seems like an Invalid ID Error or a truncation error, may in fact be a field type error.

The error below looks like a truncation error, since the actual Key value in the example used to generate the error is  ABCD0000000UMEAAA4 and in the error code returned field value does not match.  It is missing the AA4.

However, if you look further, the error references that the Solution is attempting to pass this ID in as RecordType1, indicating that the ID was wrong for the TYPE RecordType1, not that the ID was invalid.  If you see this error, make sure you are using the right ID and the right object.
Run started at 6/18/2012 11:32:21 AM (EDT)
Solution Instance Name:  
Map Name:                GP Invoice Num
Source Entity:           SOP10100
Error title:             Error in calling Operation Update
Error description:       Status Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD || Error: 'ABCD0000000UMEA' is not a valid Salesforce ID for the type RecordType1
=============================== Source Data ==============================
Entity:                                 SOP10100
INTEGRATIONID                           ABCD0000000UMEAAA4             
SUBTOTAL                                15000.00000
DEX_ROW_TS                              6/18/2012 3:32:14 PM


If you receive a Status Code: INVALID_ID_FIELD error when using Salesforce as Target, review the field types to make sure you do not have a mismatch.