Article ID: KB0074821
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Scheduled report with update method as "User Notification" refreshes automatically after a few updates without notifying the user.
Scheduled report with update method as "User Notification" refreshes automatically after a few updates without notifying the user.
This is controlled by a setting in the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file i.e. parameter "forcedUpdate". It is used to avoid having multiple copies of an analysis in memory. It is possible to force updates upon users even though an analysis is set to notify the users. This is useful if a user has left an analysis open for a long time and you want to avoid numerous versions of that analysis to be kept simultaneously. To enable forced updates, set the following parameter to "true".
<forcedUpdate enabled="true" maximumRejectedUpdates="2" />
Note: The "maximumRejectedUpdates" value controls the number of notifications to be sent to the user(s).
You can find the instruction on how to export and import the web player configuration at the below link -