Scribe Login Already Exists

Scribe Login Already Exists


Article ID: KB0078500


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Scribe Insight 7.9.1


ScribeInternal is a Microsoft SQL Server database used by all other TIBCO Scribe® Insight components. The database contains settings, process execution history, error logs, and other Insight-related data. The ScribeInternal database is installed and configured during the TIBCO Scribe® Insight Installation process.

If you have manually created the Scribe login on the ScribeInternal database you may get an error stating that the Scribe Login already exists.  Attempting to delete the Scribe login on the partially created ScribeInternal database results in the same error.


If you have manually created the Scribe login on the ScribeInternal database you may get an error stating that the Scribe Login already exists.


When you manually create a login in SQL Server, it replicates the user to every system database.  To fix this issue you must manually delete the user from each system database as follows:
  1. In Microsoft SQL Server, select a database in the tree.
  2. Open it and select Security > Users.
  3. Right-click on the appropriate user and select Delete.
  4. Delete all Scribe users and logins.
  5. Delete the ScribeInternal database.
  6. Repeat for each system database.
You also must remove the ScribeInternal_MS ODBC DSN as follows:
  1. In Windows, open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
  2. Select the System DNS tab.
  3. Remove ScribeInternal_MS.
  4. Click OK.
After all of the Scribe users and logins have been deleted, as well as the ScribeInternal database entry and the ODBC DSN for scribeinternal_ms, proceed with the installation of the ScribeInternal database.


Test The ODBC Connection

  1. In Windows, open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
  2. Select the System DSN tab.
  3. Select ScribeInternal_MS. This is the ODBC connection Scribe Insight uses to connect to the ScribeInternal database.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. On the Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration dialog, click Next.
  6. Make sure that Authentication is set to With SQL Server Authentication.
  7. Enter the following:
Password: Integr8!
  1. Click Next.
  2. Make sure both Use ANSI boxes are checked and click Next.
  3. Make sure the Perform Translation for Character data box is checked and click Finish.
  4. On the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog click Test Data Sources.
The Test must return Successful. If the connection test is not successful, you are given an option to re-install the ScribeInternal database for the DSN you have selected on the Data Sources tab.  If you choose to do the re-install, first uninstall the following in SQL; SCRIBE user, ScribeInternal db, and Scribe Sample db.  Also remove the ODBC connection for the ScribeInternal_MS.

Re-Install ScribeInternal database. After the installation you are prompted re-register in the Workbench.

