Tibco SilverFabric 5.7.1 HF9 is now available on support.tibco.com.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in Silver Fabric 5.7.1 HF-9 (This Release)
Broker SF-10010 (customer reported as SR 00794646) Fix to print the component priority in the broker logs.
SF-10013 (customer reported as SR 01259310) Fixes an issue where users associated with LDAP would fail to log in after an upgrade to latest hotfix.
SF-10018 (customer reported as SR 01439620) Fixes an issue where the Failover Broker would fail to synchronize the Internal database after upgrade. Note: When you apply the hotfix, please check folder ${SF_HOME}/webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/lib for the presence of multiple versions of fabric-commons* jar. It can be done by executing following command : lsfabric-commons* If it returns multiple JAR files, keep the latest version JAR and move the other JARs out of this folder.
SF-10032 (customer reported as SR 01258540) Removed global write permissions for component type files present under the /cache/expansions directory on the Engine. Note: This fix doesn't affect the existing permissions. Administrators should manually (or using a script) change the permissions of existing deployments. The fix will only affect the new deployments.
SF-10050 (customer reported as SR 01450708) Fixes an issue where having multiple hotfixes of EMS Enablers (SFEM) installed will result in failure in component allocation.
SF-10053 (customer reported as SR 01459626) Fixes an issue of copying few component rules while cloning Stacks between accounts. Note: The component from rule needs to be either published already for non-cloud account or it needs to be part of the stack to be cloned.
SF-10059 (customer reported as SR 00776781) Optimized the number of requests sent to LDAP when caching is enabled.
SF-10086 (customer reported as SR 01456048) Corrected the readme uninstall instructions.
Engine SF-10044 (customer reported as SR 01258540) Removed global write permissions for distributions and container type files present under the /cache/expansions directory on the Engine. Note: This fix doesn't affect the existing permissions. Administrators should manually (or using a script) change the permissions of existing deployments. The fix will only affect the new deployments.
To download: 1] Login to SFDC Customer Portal Web UI using your Support CRM credentials to access SFDC Customer Portal Web UI. 2] Navigate to Customer Portal Home, Click on the 'Downloads' drop down menu. Select Hotfixes 3] The Hotfix is stored under Available Downloads/Silver/Fabric/5.7.1