​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language.

​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language.


Article ID: KB0081387


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst 7.0 and higher


This article talks about some Japanese characters being displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst if it is launched with settings as "Tools > Options > Application > Language > English (United States)"

1). Start Spotfire in the Japanese language and open the attached DXP file (Filename: JapaneseCharIncorrectInAnalyst.dxp).
2). Examine the character "量" in the Title Bar.
   This is the correct glpyh.
3). Also, examine the character "語" in the Data Panel column view.
   This is the correct glpyh.
4). Start another Spotfire in English language and open the same DXP file.
5). Examine the character "量" in the Title Bar and notice that glyph is different than before. There is no such character in the Japanese language.
6). Examine the character "語" in the Title Bar and notice that glyph is different than before. There is no such character in the Japanese language.


​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language.


All Supported Operating Systems


This issue happens due to the font size of Title changed beginning with version 7.0.

Change the Visualization Title font.
Goto View >> Visual Theme >> Edit Custom Theme >> Details >> Visualization Titles >> increase the font to 12 and the Japanese characters will start showing correctly. 

See the attached screenshots (Filenames: EditCustomThemeVisTitle.PNG and DisplayAfterFontIncrease.PNG).


​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language. get_app
​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language. get_app
​Some Japanese characters get displayed incorrectly in Title in Spotfire Analyst when it is started in the English language. get_app