Spotfire Server certificate expires every 12 months - how can I make sure it is renewed?

Spotfire Server certificate expires every 12 months - how can I make sure it is renewed?


Article ID: KB0079827


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.5 -7.14, 10.0


The Spotfire Server and Node Manager trust certificates are valid for 12 months. Unlike Node Manager Certificate there is no work around to manually renew Spotfire Server trust certificate at a desired time. The server checks the expiration during startup and creates a new certificate if the current one will expire within 3 months. If server has not been restarted within past 3 months and the certificate expired communication problems could be encountered.

To check expiration dates for the certificates run the command "config list-certificates -v":
1. Open a command prompt and cd into the "bin" folder of the Spotfire server. "<server install dir>\tomcat\bin"(default C:\tibco\tss\x.x.x\tomcat\bin).
2. In the command prompt run this command without the quotes "config list-certificates -v".

Sample output:
​C:\tibco\tss\7.11.1\tomcat\bin>config list-certificates -v 
Tool password: 
* Valid certificates: 
Subject: 'cn=TIBCO Spotfire Signing CA,o=Spotfire' 
Serial number: 45799d42a38802f8f52a9e753c650b6d7192dfaa 
Issued for node: unknown 
Expiration date: 2028-09-27 15:17:02 CEST 
Subject: 'cn=9891536a-e2a2-4343-a576-cd406e2158a6,o=Spotfire' 
Serial number: 6863d9231098a2aa2b720f7f806b593cfb685ae7 
Issued for node: 9891536a-e2a2-4343-a576-cd406e2158a6 
Expiration date: 2019-09-27 14:22:31 CEST 
Subject: 'cn=29b12e0d-b825-4e77-a4a4-cd73deeaf5ad,o=Spotfire' 
Serial number: b3adc9c241b00a6b6b2d06da38cdb9d2a922dbaa 
Issued for node: 29b12e0d-b825-4e77-a4a4-cd73deeaf5ad 
Expiration date: 2019-09-27 14:17:02 CEST 
Subject: 'cn=TIBCO Spotfire Root CA,o=Spotfire' 
Serial number: b4ed6837baa071f21e45fbafbd5e0f11c6ebb37a 
Issued for node: unknown 
Expiration date: 2028-09-27 15:17:01 CEST


After executing "config list-certificates -v" command you might notice that trust certificate issued for Spotfire Server expires in couple of months. This article discusses how to avoid that it expires.


Restart Spotfire Server at least once every three months and the server trust certificate will be renewed. Alternatively note down the server certificate expiration date and restart the server within three months of the certificate expiration.

Additional Information

Node Manager restarts to load new keystore