Spotfire Server fails to start with error - server.cluster.ApacheClusterInstanceHolder: The cluster could not be started, giving up...Please verify that all the servers in the cluster can communicate on ports 5701 and 5702

Spotfire Server fails to start with error - server.cluster.ApacheClusterInstanceHolder: The cluster could not be started, giving up...Please verify that all the servers in the cluster can communicate on ports 5701 and 5702


Article ID: KB0075350


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.13 and higher


Fail to start Spotfire Server Service with Apache Ignite clustering. Below error returned in the <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\logs\Server.log file
server.cluster.ApacheClusterInstanceHolder: The cluster could not be started, giving up...Please verify that all the servers in the cluster can communicate on ports 5701 and 5702


Spotfire Server fails to start with Error- server.cluster.ApacheClusterInstanceHolder: The cluster could not be started, giving up...Please verify that all the servers in the cluster can communicate on ports 5701 and 5702


The above error may occur for couple of reasons - 
a) If you have multiple network interfaces on your Spotfire Servers, you may need to configure Ignite to Bind to Any Network Interface. Steps to enable Ignite to Bind to Any Network Interface are as follows:

1) Open a command line and goto <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\bin or for Spotfire Server version 10.3 and higher <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\spotfire-bin
2) Export the active server configuration using command> Config  export-config  
3) Then run the following command:
config set-config-prop --name=clustering.apacheignite.bind-on-any-interface --value=true
4) Import the Server Configuration using command> Config import-config --comment="Ignite to Bind to Any Network Interface"
5) Restart the Spotfire Server Service

b)If the ports 5701 and 5702 are blocked , please make sure these ports are open on all the Spotfire Servers within the cluster.