Statistica PI functionality activation

Statistica PI functionality activation


Article ID: KB0083693


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3


Why are the PI functionalities in my Statistica are greyed out and inactive?
In Statistica ribbon bar menu, PI functionalities can be found at "Data | External Data| PI": Compressed Data, Interpolated Data, Timed Data, Summary Data, Start Snapshot Data, Stop Snapshot Data.
User-added image


This article introduce activation of PI functionality in Statistica.


Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2


Statistica PI functionality is enabled through "PIXX" (PI Connector) feature in license.
If the PI functionality in inactive, user needs to check the license file (stat.lic) if the PI connector feature "PIXX" is included in the license file. 
If the PIXX feature is not in the license bundle, please contact Statistica sales team to obtain the PIXX feature. 

Statistica PI connector provides the capability to read PI data from a PI database. The PI data are returned in a Statistica spreadsheet for further processing. 
The Statistica PI connector utilizes the 3rd party PI-SDK tool from OSI software to create a native querying tool from Statistica to PI databases. So user would need to download PI-SDK from OSI software ( and install it, in order to connect to PI databases from Statistica through Statistica PI connector. The PI-SDK does not need to be added to Statistica in the form of an "add-in". With PI connector licensed/activated in Statistica, after the SDK is installed, Statistica will automatically detect and use the PI-SDK when querying data from PI database through Statistica PI connector.