Follow the steps below to install .NET 3.5:
1. At the start up screen, press the Windows Key + D:
2. Click on the folder at the bottom left of the desktop, called File Explorer:
3. Click on the Desktop icon near the top left:
4. Double-click on the Control Panel icon:
5. Click on Programs:
6. Under Programs and Features, at the top, click on the link that says, “Turn Windows Features On or Off":
7. Select the .NET Framework 3.5 (no need to select the two boxes showing Windows Communicator Foundation HTTP Activation or Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation). User should see the .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services already installed. Select OK and reboot the computer if prompted:
Note: Beginning with Statistica 11, Windows 8 will prompt during the installation if the .NET 3.5 Framework needs to be installed: