Article ID: KB0106953
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Please note the following notice does not announce the retirement of the following TIBCO products, and does not affect their maintenance services:
[October 7, 2022]
TIBCO hereby announces that it will retire the following product(s), and cease providing Support for the product(s), as of 11:59 pm Pacific Time on October 9, 2023:
Support for the product will continue according to the terms of your agreement with TIBCO until the earlier of: A) the product’s retirement date, or B) the expiration date of your current subscription agreement.
During the retirement phase, TIBCO Support will continue to service this product as explained in customer maintenance agreements. However, enhancements will no longer be made to the products.
We encourage you to contact your TIBCO Account Executive with any questions you may have about this notice and to find out about alternative support options or migration strategies, such as TIBCO MDM, TIBCO EBX which may be available and applicable to you.
Customer data for the TIBCO Cloud MDM will be deleted after expiration or termination of the Cloud MDM. Data can be requested no later than 90 days before the expiration or termination of the Cloud MDM.
Support Policy: Retirement Notice for TIBCO Cloud MDM