TCI Connect - Connector For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV Setting Optimistic Concurrency

TCI Connect - Connector For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV Setting Optimistic Concurrency


Article ID: KB0073921


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


When trying to update or delete a record in NAV or Business Central using the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV, the below error can be received if the Optimistic Concurrency fields are not set correctly.

"Error Code: Description: Could not validate the client concurrency token required by the service. Please provide a valid token in the client request."


How to correctly update or delete records using the ETag field and ETagConcurrencyBehavior field


To resolve this issue when updating or deleting a record in Business Central or NAV, you will need to populate both the ETag target field and ETagConcurrencyBehavior target field for the update or delete block.

To obtain the records ETag value, you will need to first do a lookup for that record and then map the ETag lookup results to the ETag target field in the update of delete block.

The ETagConcurrencyBehavior target field can be populated with the string values below.

  • Always Overwrite
  • Overwrite If Match
  • Overwrite If Not Match

If this field is left blank, then it will default to "Always Overwrite," but the ETag field must be populated for the update or delete block.