Products | Versions |
TIBCO Cloud | N/A |
1. Log in to Cloud account (
3. Click on Create/Import and Select Flogo to create new app
4. Click on Import [Note : you can click on default app name to rename the app]
5. Click on browse to upload and select the json file from local device. Click on create.
6. Once file is uploaded, Flows are automatically created. Review the flows. App is ready to be pushed.
8. Now, that the app is tested, it is ready to be published to Mashery. You can Publish a public endpoint as shown below
9. On the publish to Mashery pop-up screen, select your TIBCO Cloud Mashery area from the Traffic Manager Domain dropdown and click on Next.
NOTE: For users with TIBCO Cloud Mashery subscriptions in the same level of organization, we are not required to provide a username and password since we are already signed in.
NOTE: If you do not have a TIBCO Cloud Mashery subscription in the same Organization and want to publish to TIBCO Cloud Mashery in a different Organization or to the Area in Classic Mashery, click on the Advanced button and enter the requested details ( Service user credentials, Area UUID, and Traffic manager domain) and click on Next.
Details to be entered in the advanced section can be found in your mashery control center. Traffic manager domain is "<area_name>".
10. Click on +New Definition to create a new API definition.
11. After clicking create, select the newly created API from the displayed list.
12. Next, select the operations that you want to publish and click on Next.
13. In the next screen, select a package from the list. You can also create a new package.
14. Next, Create a new plan or select an existing one and click on Add.
17. Click on publish
18. On clicking on "API definition at Mashery", you will be redirected to your API definition in Mashery.
You can view API settings by clicking on endpoint => Domains&Traffic Routing
19. You can make changes to the Package and plan by navigating to Design => Packages.
Select the package.
Next, select the plan.
You can make changes under the Rate Limit and plan settings sections.
20. Next, we need to create an application. To do so, select Manage => Applications. Create a new application.
Enter the application name and owner. The owner has to be an existing user in the organization. Select save and close.
21. Once the application is created we need to generate a package key. Click on created application. Select the Package keys section to create a new package key.
Select a package and plan and generate a package key. Hit Save and Close. A new key is generated.
Click on the waiting status to Enable the package key.
22. Now, you are ready to test the TCI private endpoint published to Mashery. The endpoint can be tested using POSTMAN using the endpoint address shown in the API endpoint Settings in point 18.