Products | Versions |
TIBCO Data Virtualization | - |
Customer trying to downgrade TDV from to and seeing below error.
Failed executing SQL delete from metadata where id=38322 and cid=403. An I/O error occured while
sending to the backend. [repository-2900112]
Steps which resolved the issue and downgrade was successful.
1. Stop only “CIS Server 7.0” service.
2. Start server using below command.
composite_server.bat run from CIS/bin path. Do not close the command prompt.
3. Run rollback repository script. [INSTALL_DIR/bin>]
bin/ -server localhost -port 9700 -user admin -password admin -rollbackRepository -toVersion 7.0.4
4. Check repository version from INSTALL_DIR/repository/bin> (psql.exe -Uroot -hlocalhost -p9708 -d cisrepo -c "select * from cisrepo.metadata_version")
5. Exit the command prompt by terminating the process started in step 2.
6. stop all Services
7. Run rollback script.
8. Run cis_downgrade_patch.bat.
9. Start the services if they are not started.
Recording Link for the steps followed