TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.12.0 Hotfix-15 is available

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.12.0 Hotfix-15 is available


Article ID: KB0083906


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.12.0


You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com). You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/5.12.0/hotfix-15.

Closed Issues in 5.12.0_HF-015 (This release)

The queue sender failed as expected when the maximum message limit was reached
on the destination queue but the JMS local transctions did not roll back.

The Receive Mail activity threw an exception when the content-disposition field
for Mime headers defined the filename for the attachments.

ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks left connections open when it used transactions with
DB2 on IBM Z/OS. When stored procedures were run, it returned an ABEND code.
Instead of rolling back, BusinessWorks tried to execute a test statement and
tried to close the connection.

To clear the bad connections for JDBC and JTA transactions, set the property
bw.plugin.jdbc.clearBadConnectionForTransactions to true. Default value is false.

To stop the JDBC activity in a transaction from retrying to execute the query
in case of failure, set the property bw.plugin.jdbc.disableRetryInTransaction
to true. Default value is false.

In the XML injection scenario, the fault string has been suppressed from the service.
To suppress the fault string, set property bw.plugin.soap.suppressDetailedFaultstring
to true. Default value is false.



TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.12.0 Hotfix-15 is available


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.12.0


You can also download the hotfix using the below link: