TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.13.0 Hotfix-13 is available
Article ID: KB0102287
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com). You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/5.13.0/hotfix-13.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 5.13.0_HF-013 (This Release)
BW-17509 MTOM messages created from ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks did not include the content transfer encoding header field.
BW-17507 The TransformXML activity resolved the wrong location for relative path resolutions with xsl:include when the Saxon-B XSLT 2.0 transform technique was used.
BW-17365 The Receive Mail activity threw an exception when the content-disposition field for Mime headers defined the filename for the attachments.
BW-16461 When the schema names were mapped to global variables in the JDBC Call Procedure activity, the activity did not refer to the updated schema name when the global variable values were updated at runtime.