You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal ( You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/5.14.0/hotfix-06.
For instructions on "How do TIBCO customers access Hot Fixes or Engineering Builds or customer-specific files" ., you can refer to Published Article 000022290 :
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 5.14.0_HF-006 (This Release)
The UsernameToken authentication using Custom Password Lookup did not work when a password
in the inbound request was of type PasswordDigest.
The persistent HTTPS connections were not reused when the bw.plugin.http.client.usePersistentConnection
ManagerForSSL property was set to true.
The Proxy authentication did not work when the endpoint URL was set through proxy as HTTPS, and
the proxy was configured with BASIC authentication.
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.