Article ID: KB0102297
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You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal ( You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/6.4.2/hotfix-02.
Closed Issues in 6.4.2_HF-002 (This Release)
Any data entered in the Sequence Key field on the Advanced tab of the JMS Receive Message activity
generated the "Variable Not Found" error.
An invalid unwrap error occurred for certain JDBC Call Procedure scenarios.
JMS Receiver activity was unable to reconnect after restarting IBM Websphere MQ 8 server.
JMS Sender activity was unable to reconnect after restarting IBM Websphere MQ 8 server.
Refactoring support is now added and a shared variable from a shared module can be referenced in
an application module. A new option, Update Shared Variable from Shared Module Navigate has
been added to the Shared Variable section in the Module Descriptor editor. Select the required option
and, from the Refactoring wizard, select the shared module where the reference to the shared variable
needs to be updated.
The PATCH method is added to the list of HTTP methods, which can be optionally disabled
at the HTTP Connector shared resource. An error 405 Method not Allowed is generated,
if a request is sent with a disabled method.
Runtime memory leak was observed when running long-time stability test for JMS Receiver activity.
No new requests were authenticated or processed once the number of requests were equal to LDAP
pool size. Now any number of requests are authenticated across LDAP.
When an AppNode took more than 60 seconds to start, a warning message stating that the AppNode
did not start was displayed. To configure the timeout value, set the timeout property, in the bwagent.ini file and restart the agent.
Note: If a timeout is set to more than 120 seconds, a warning message is logged. This is because
this is the timeout used to block the bwadmin CLI. If the timeout is more than 120 seconds,
the bwadmin CLI is blocked till a response is received, or the timeout expires. This could lead to
users perceiving the utility to be frozen or unresponsive. Hence the product logs a warning
for a larger timeout.
Text color did not match the transition color.
When multiple commands were run in the script, bwdesign displayed the ArrayIndexOutOfBound
Users can now turn the Build Automatically option ON or OFF from the config.ini file
by using the property bw.autobuild=true or false.
Validation errors were reported in TIBCO Business Studio after importing projects created on
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.4.1 or earlier versions.
Migrating TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x project to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x
failed with the error java.lang.StackOverflowError.
The JDBC Call Procedure activity was not serializing the sqlState node if a JDBSQLException was generated.
This has been fixed, and the node is now successfully serialized.
In some cases, automatic refactoring through TIBCO Business Studio led to extra parameter bindings in
refactored XSLT files, which resulted in runtime errors. This has been fixed, and the correct
input parameter bindings are now provided during the automatic refactoring process.
Multiple force kill commands of AppNode can now be triggered. The most recent force kill command of
the AppNode takes precedence over the previous commands.
The Encoding field on the General Tab of the File Poller activity displayed a warning when projects
were migrated from TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x.
A support for the HTTP PATCH method is added to the HTTP Receiver activity. The client can now send
the request using the HTTP PATCH method, which can be accepted and processed by
the HTTP Receiver activity.
A support for the HTTP PATCH method is added to the Send HTTP Request activity for the
Apache Components Client supported by HTTP and REST. The Post Data field in the Input tab
of this activity is used to provide the input for the HTTP PATCH method.
The non-inline WSDL schema was not embedded in the Concrete WSDL,
if the WSDL was retrieved at runtime using the <request URI>/?WSDL option.
In certain scenarios, TIBCO Business Studio stopped responding when performing actions like
cleaning all projects, adding a REST resource, adding SOAP or REST bindings to a resource,
and automatic building of a workspace.
A runtime exception activity output data validation error occurred when the generated concrete
WSDL had schemas that included other schemas with no target namespace.
When an application took more than 60 seconds to start, a warning
message stating that the Application did not start was displayed due to timeout exception.
To configure the timeout value, set the timeout property, in the bwagent.ini file and restart the agent.
When an Invoke activity received a fault response that was a declared fault, the Rethrow activity
and the Repeat on Error group activity did not pass the fault response to the higher level catch.
Copying and pasting a calling process retained the older references and displayed an error.
The FTP Put activity was transferring data in ASCII format even when binary transfer mode was selected
and the Overwrite Existing File option was not selected.
Changes to the SOAPAction header on the SOAP service binding were not reflected in the Concrete WSDL
if the WSDL retrieved at runtime was using the <request URI>/?WSDL option.
The -csv option that is used to print the table content as a comma separated value table was not
handled for domains, AppSpaces, AppNodes, applications, and archives.
When unused KeystoreProviderResource was present in the project, sometimes wrong keystore
got wired to the SSL server resource, that resulted in the HTTP SSL server resource to fail.
If an SQL stored procedure had OUT parameters and was returning resultsets,
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x could not process the resultsets.
When configuring a JDBC Connection shared resource to connect to a DB2 server,
the error "The encryptionMethod or autheticationMethod specified is not supported
by the DB2 server you are connection to" was generated if the AutheticationMethod option was used.
An error was previously generated if multiple Set-Cookie elements were sent by server as
HTTP Request outputs.
This issue has been fixed, and multiple Set-Cookie elements are now allowed to be sent.
To do this, the cardinality of the Set-Cookie elements in the inline schema has been changed
from optional (0 or 1) to multiple (0 or more). This is effective for new projects.
In case of older projects which are imported, Set-Cookie element is still optional in the inline schema.
In such cases, users can select the new default schema, instead of the inline schema, to be used for
the output headers for the Send HTTP Request activity.
In a transition coercions were not saved after they were added to mappings.
When Send HTTP Request activity's input headers type definition was changed, an error was generated
due to unresolved MIME Schema component.
When an application containing data format with elements from a schema was migrated,
the migration generated data format would not populate the elements resulting in errors
in the application.
If abstract WSDL used for SOAP service binding had WSDL import artifacts and import artifacts
i.e. imported WSDL had inline schemas, then those were not getting added into design time
concrete WSDL generation.
The "Argument cannot be null" error for migration scenarios has been fixed.
A NullPointerException is generated when using the Generate Concrete WSDL option to create
a concrete WSDL for a SOAP Service binding.
To avoid this error, create a new SOAP service binding, and generate the concrete WSDL
by using the same option.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.4.2 Hotfix-02 is available
You can also download the hotfix using the below link: