You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal ( You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/6.5.0/hotfix-09.
Closed Issues in 6.5.0_HF-009 (This Release)
An application displayed an error on invoking a SOAP service when it was configured to reply with
a fault and the Compression check box on the HTTP Connector shared resource was selected.
The Activity Timeout Error occurred when using the prepared parameters in the JDBC Update activity
and connecting to the IBM DB2 database.
A module property of type password had a garbage value when it was just
selected for modifying a value, but not modified, and any other module
property was modified on the Admin UI.
A harmless error occurred when installing a hotfix while BWAgent was configured with HTTPS.
An AppNode's runtime information could not be retrieved on a non-domain agent's AppNode level 2
page in a graph view.
For some schemas, the Render XML activity failed.
After upgrade, the AppInstances tables were not updated.
The JDBCPool Connection error occurred when an AppNode was configured with the Group
persistent mode.
Data was not available inside a group when you map any element inside an iteration group to
a current element, or other activities outside of the group.
The ReverseProxy Host/Port was not updated, if a Concrete WSDL was generated at runtime.
To get the updated host/port at design time, use configuration fields for host and port
on the Concrete WSDL Generation Wizard.
The lapi OSGI command displayed all process instances instead of active process instances for all
applications running at the AppNode.
The Group configuration error occurred even when a correct value was provided for an Iterate group
type element.