TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.6.1 Hotfix-04 is available
Article ID: KB0101264
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com). You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can the download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/6.6.1/hotfix-04.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 6.6.1_HF-004 (This Release)
AMBW-42747 Module properties are not visible on Admin UI when an application is deployed with an external profile having identical name as internal profile but has opposite case.
AMBW-42548 Ability to refresh AppInstance status. The Refresh Agents button is added on page 1 and page 2 of Agents on the Admin UI. This button refreshes the status of AppInstances running on that particular agent.
AMBW-42544 TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks displays incorrect module properties of an application when you use module properties of a shared module across multiple applications. Also, the credentials used to establish a JMS connection were different than the credentials specified in the application properties.
AMBW-42538 The whitespace characters (' ') are trimmed in a string field of the Mapper activity.
AMBW-42359 When an application has a persistent shared module in the group mode, the following error occurs intermittently after sending a message using Gems: PVM-MODEL-102700.
AMBW-42298 The "definitions" section in the runtime swagger file does not show the type as "array" for the child properties of an object when you run a REST service configured with a complex element in an XSD, and the element's definition in the XSD contains <xs:extension> element with base attribute and array-based sub-elements.
AMBW-42245 An application throws an error on design time and runtime when an activity's XPath contains the min and max function. A new Quick Fix option is provided to resolve the error.
AMBW-42243 Updating the Password field from Admin UI does not work when the provided password has the percentage character (%).
AMBW-42242 The swagger response is different than the actual response of the Deploy Application API.
AMBW-42167 The BW.MODULE.NAME and BW.MODULE.VERSION module properties return empty values.
AMBW-42139 The JMS-Receive Message activity receives messages in a queue instead of a topic when the JMS Send Message activity sends the messages with messaging style as Topic, and the topic name and the queue name is the same.
AMBW-42070 After migration, the XSLT Out of Sync error occurs when you map $_error/Msg to one of the input fields. The error persists even after you apply a Quick Fix option.
AMBW-41761 The JDBC Call Procedure activity throws an error and cannot call a stored procedure when you use PostgreSQL 12 database.
AMBW-41147 An application throws an error when an activity's XPath contains insert-before() function.
AMBW-41005 An application goes into the Impaired state when the dbURL has special characters.
AMBW-29434 A new field Description is added on the REST service binding for all parameters. Set the description in TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks and the same value is reflected in Swagger UI when you hit the Swagger UI URL.