This hotfix can be downloaded from the SFDC Customer Portal Web User Interface using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged on you can find the hotfix under the Downloads Menu: "AvailableDownloads/ActiveSpaces/BWPlugin/2.2.0/hotfix-03" Please read the readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.
Affected Files for 2.2.0_HF-003
The following files are installed by this hotfix.
{TIBCO_HOME}/bw/plugins/lib/palettes directory:
- activespacesplugin.jar
{TIBCO_HOME}/bw/plugins/activespaces directory:
- samples/BatchWithTransacion/.folder
- samples/BatchWithTransacion/Metaspace.sharedMetaSpacecon
- samples/IterateResultSet/.folder
- samples/IterateResultSet/Metaspace.sharedMetaSpacecon
{TIBCO_HOME}/release_notes directory:
- TIB_bwpluginactivespaces_2.2.0_HF-003_readme.txt
Closed Issues in 2.2.0_HF-003 (This Release)
Defect ID: ASBW-1367
Update sharedresource file to avoid Put activity no input error
Defect ID: ASBW-1231
When delete Timeout or Time to Wait for Response value,click Apply cannot be saved.
Defect ID: ASBW-1228
[Invocable]-->Use JMS send data, Invocable thrown timeout.