This hotfix can be downloaded from the SFDC Customer Portal Web UI, using your username and password for Once logged on you can find the hotfix under Download Menu:
Below is a summary of the update included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 2.1.0_HF-015 (This Release)
Defect ID: REST-1924
An issue has been fixed where REST exceptions were not caught through the catch activity.
Defect ID: REST-1925
A fix has been provided where a JSON string containing the escape characters parsed incorrectly using Parse-JSON activity.
The above-mentioned issue has a property-based solution.
The name of the property is "com.tibco.plugin.restjson.json2xml.restrictinvalidescapecharacters".
The user needs to set this property to "true" to enable the fixes. The default value is false.
Defect ID: REST-1932
A fix has been added where invoke REST API call throwing error instead of a valid response.
Defect ID: REST-1903
A fix has been added to provide the well-formatted JSON in the POSTMAN or CURL command while processing Spanish characters in input with REST dispatch and reply activity.