TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) Plug-in for NetSuite 6.3.2 Hotfix 2 is now available
Article ID: KB0101984
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for NetSuite
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) Plug-in for NetSuite 6.3.2 Hotfix2 is released for all supported platforms. This hotfix is cumulative of prior hot fixes for this version. Listed below is a summary of updates included in Hotfix2. Please refer to the attached Readme for additional details on these and other cumulative fixes included in this Hotfix.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 6.3.2_HF-002 (This Release)
NSBW-1030 'trandate' date field value mismatch between Suitescript request and Netsuite Record Listener activity output. This has been fixed. ================================================================================
Please refer to the instruction of Installation/Uninstallation in Readme file for more information.
This hotfix can be downloaded from TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI(https://support.tibco.com). You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option under: