TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 4.0.0 Hotfix 002 is available.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 4.0.0 Hotfix 002 is available.


Article ID: KB0106475


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) 4.0.0


The customer will be able to download the Hotfix from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI using their username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page. Once logged on they can find the Hotfix under the Download Menu :

Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.


Closed Issues in 4.0.0_HF-002 (This Release)

WRM-9149 (SR-727733, SR-739785)
When upgrading to ActiveMatrix BPM 4.0.0, the "Wait for empty queues" task
failed and an exception was written to the <CONFIG_HOME>\tct\bpmupgrade\
<timestamp>\logs\upgrade.bpm.log file. (This problem occurred when running the
"Upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM Instance Application" action from the TIBCO
Configuration Tool "Upgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance" wizard, but
occurred only when upgrading a BPM system which used an Environment name other
than the default "BPMEnvironment".)

NOTE: This exception did not cause the upgrade to fail. The upgrade still
ompleted successfully with a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message.

WRM-9141 (SR-737365)
Invoking a business process from a business service failed if the payload
contained an array type that referenced a BOM. The following error was written
to the BPM log file:

   "The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed."

WRM-9138 (SR-721900)
A sub-process that invoked a service task remained in "Completing" status even
though it had finished, causing the parent process to wait indefinitely. A race
condition could occur on the process instance invoking the service task, making
it appear to the parent process that the sub-process instance had not completed.
(This problem occurred only if the service task was very short-lived - for
example, a task that simply executed a script.)

WRM-9091 (SR-718742)
Global signal tasks that used mapping scripts to access case data failed at
runtime. The mapping failed and the following error was written to the BPM
log file:

   Caused by: com.tibco.bds.services.SecurityFault: API authorization failed

WRM-9064 (SR-706435)
If the LDAP connection used by a dynamic organization model extension point was
not available when the extension point was processed, that extension point was
incorrectly deleted. As a result, work items were sent to the Undelivered group
instead of to their intended recipients.

Note: The extension points were deleted even though the following properties
were set in the <CONFIG_HOME>/bpm/<bpm_app_name>/configuration/de.properties

   - ExtensionPointDeleteEnabled=false
   - ExtensionPointProcessEnable=true

WRM-9053 (SR-705903)
Upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM from version 2.1 to version 4.0 failed at the
"Restarting BPM Nodes" step of the "Upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM Instance
Application" configuration action. The following error was written to the
<CONFIG_HOME>\tct\bpmupgrade\<timestamp>\logs\upgrade.bpm.log file:

   {EC_LIFECYCLE_STARTUP_ERROR} - Start-up Process failed!

This error occurred because the upgrade process did not find a


block in the <CONFIG_HOME>\bpm\<bpm_app_name>\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml
file. (This code block had been commented out before upgrading.)

WRM-9022 (SR-700751, SR-698038, SR-690958)
On ActiveMatrix BPM version 3.1.0_HF-003, deployment of an application
containing a WSDL failed, if the WSDL contained an inline "urn" namespace
schema that referred to another "urn" namespace schema in the same WSDL.
This problem affected both new applications, and applications migrated from
earlier vesions of ActiveMatrix BPM - even where that application had worked
correctly in the earlier version and the WSDL had not been changed.

WRM-8988 (SR-692454, SR-724555)
Using the Case Data Query Language (DQL) findByCriteria method in a script to
search for case objects by criteria failed at runtime. The following error was
written to the BPM log file:

 [ERROR] com.tibco.bds.core.services.impl.BusinessDataServicesPrivateServiceImpl
 - [ERROR] - {BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_FIND_BY_CRITERIA_FAULT} - Fault while attempting
 to find BDS Class using Criteria...

This error occurred when performing a search against an enumeration attribute,
and occurred only if the case data model referenced by the search was very

When using the allocateAndOpenNextWorkItem operation (from the
WorkItemManagementService in the BPM web service API), you can use the optional
workListViewId parameter to get a work view for the next work item. If multiple
calls used the same workListViewId parameter this could result in performance
WRM-8919 (SR-681839)
If a push destination for a user (resource) was mapped to a resource attribute,
which was in turn mapped to the attributes of an LDAP entity, a
DE_INTERNAL_SERVICE_FAULT error would occur when retrieving the push
destinations for that resource if the mapped LDAP entity no longer existed.
For example, this error could occur:

- in Workspace, if you clicked a position in the Organization Browser
  (to retrieve the details of all users mapped to that position).
- in the ActiveMatrix BPM web service API, when using the ExecuteQuery operation
  from the ResourceQueryService.
WRM-8914 (SR-675369)
When using an Oracle database version, upgrading to ActiveMatrix BPM version 4.0
failed. The following error:

   ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

occurred when running the <CONFIG_HOME>\bpm\<BPMApplicationName>\database\
WorkManagerUpgrade.sql script (either manually, or when running the TIBCO
Configuration Tool "Upgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance" wizard, as part of
the "Upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM Instance Application" action).
WRM-8841 (SR-672113)
When using candidate queries to populate positions or groups, a candidate query
failed and the following error was written to the BPM log file:

 [ERROR] - {DE_CANDIDATE_QUERY_PROCESS_ERROR} - Error encountered whilst
 processing Candidate Query
This error only occurred if:

* the "AutoResourceDeleteEnabled=true" property was set in the de.properties
  file, and
* the result set returned by the candidate query included the LDAP resource
  assigned as the tibco-admin user.

WRM-8806 (SR-661221, SR-666985)
Process data was not displayed in the Audit Trail in Openspace when auditing of
process data was enabled. This occurred if only structured (BOM) data fields
were mapped to audit event data attributes. In this case, the values of the
audit event data attributes were not populated to the EC_PE_STATUS table in the
ActiveMatrix BPM database. If at least one simple data field was mapped to an
audit event data attribute, the problem did not occur.

In the Workapp sample application, comments showing the use of individual
business components specified the wrong path for the "template-path" attribute.

In Application Management, when you tried to launch a cloned application it
failed with an HTTP "404 NOT FOUND" error. This error would occur if, when
cloning the application, you used a space character (' ') in the new
application's name.

On the Login page of the Component Showcase sample application, text fields
and buttons were not aligned properly.

You can dynamically change the logging level used by Application Management
when it writes messages to the BPM log file:

1. In Application Management, click Settings then expand "Debug Settings".

2. Set your chosen log level for each Application Management package. (Hover
   over the package name for a description of the package.)

3. Click "SAVE CHANGES".

OS-3462 (SR-665170)
If you tried to log into Openspace after clearing the browser cache, the
password field was cleared and the first login attempt failed. Clicking the
login button a second time logged you in successfully.

OS-3459 (SR-665170)
In Openspace on Internet Explorer 11, when using basic authentication, there was
an intermittent issue where when you pressed F5 or selected Refresh, Openspace
did not log you out and display the Login panel.

If you used a custom interface in Workspace or a WCC application, the toolbar
was not displaying clearly.

When using the Workspace filter tool to define filters, if you entered a value
in the attribute edit mask, then clicked the button to add the expression to the
filter, nothing happened. This only happened when using Google Chrome - all
other browsers properly added the expression.

WS-1721 (SR-654707)
When using system views, Workspace sometimes displayed the default set of
columns for a user instead of the columns assigned in the system view. This
occurred only if you were assigned a system view that contained a period (.)
character in its name and then did not log out properly from Workspace (for
example, if the browser crashed). In this case, the column definitions for the
system view were not persisted to the BPM database. When you next logged in,
the default set of columns would therefore be displayed instead.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 4.0.0 Hotfix 002 is available.


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