Note: Where the closed issue is related to a TIBCO Support case, the relevant case number (CN-xxxxxxxx) or Support Request ID (SR-xxxxxx) is given in brackets after the Issue number.
WRM-9373 (CN-01449225) ----------------------
A process failed, generating the following exception in the BPM log file:
{DAC_INTERNAL_SERVICE_FAULT} - Internal fault whilst processing a Calendar/Deadline service request
The error occurred when calculating the deadline for a user task (for example, on a Catch Timer Event), if the participant for that user task was defined as a reference to a dynamic organization model entity.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 4.1.0 Hotfix 003 is available
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 4.1.0 Hotfix 003 is available