TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 4.1.0 Hotfix 001 is available

TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 4.1.0 Hotfix 001 is available


Article ID: KB0102465


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition 4.1.0


Product Name:    TIBCO Business Studio(TM)
Release Version: 4.1.0_HF-001
Release Date:    June 2017


Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes the issues listed in the Closed
Issues sections.


Closed Issues in 4.1.0_HF-001 (This Release)

XPD-8271 (CN-01476789)
As Process.auditLog() script function does not function correctly in in-memory
processes (because there is no true process context) Studio will now warn
that it is not available in service processes.

XPD-8232 (CN-01455279)
Mapping to nested array content when the nested array is separated from the
parent array by at least one single instance parent causes runtime exception
“com.tibco.n2.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot read property "length"
from undefined”.

XPD-8229 (CN-01449225)
Boundary timer events do not work with dynamic organization entities.

XPD-8210 (CN-01242824  / SR-751901)
In rare circumstances processes can appear to halt unexpectedly after
migration to a newer version when additional groups of activities are added.

XPD-8177 (CN-00718048 / SR-703123)
There was a performance issue with REST Data Mapper. There was a significant
delay in displaying the mappings, and debugging indicated multiple iterations
of displaying the mappings.

XPD-8201 (CN-00726401 / SR-730633)
Certain complex process flow constructs can cause issues with process instance
migration after application upgrade.


See attached Readme document for installation instructions.


TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 4.1.0 Hotfix 001 is available


All Supported Operating Systems


TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 4.1.0 Hotfix 001 can be downloaded from the
SFDC Customer Portal Web User Interface using your username and password for
the TIBCO Support Web.

Once logged on you can find the hotfix under the Downloads Menu:


Additional Information



TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 4.1.0 Hotfix 001 is available get_app