NOTE: Where the closed issue is related to a TIBCO Support case, the relevant case number (CN-xxxxxxxx) or Support Request ID (SR-xxxxxx) is provided in brackets after the Issue number.
XPD-8492 (CN-01765500) ---------------------- BOM annotations with source 'bds', name 'omitOpposites' and value 'true' should not create opposite EReferences for containments. Instead, a package-level annotation should be created to indicate that opposites have been omitted.
To apply this fix, open the BOM file with a text editor and add following directly after the opening <uml:Model> tag, save the file, and build the DAA.
XPD-8450 (CN-01481093, CN-01670631) ----------------------------------- There was a REST service parsing error for integer and decimal values of zero (mapping from a zero value always sets the target to null instead of zero).
WBPM-1572 (CN-01763837) ----------------------- Data relevant to a form's dynamic script was cached resulting in incorrect markers in scripts.