TIBCO Business Studio(TM) BPM Edition 4.2.0 Hotfix 001 is available

TIBCO Business Studio(TM) BPM Edition 4.2.0 Hotfix 001 is available


Article ID: KB0101599


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition 4.2.0


Product Name:    TIBCO Business Studio(TM)
Release Version: 4.2.0_HF-001
Release Date:    February 2020


Hotfixes are cumulative. This hotfix includes the issues listed in the Closed
Issues sections.


Closed Issues in 4.2.0_HF-001 (This Release)

NOTE: Where the closed issue is related to a TIBCO Support case, the relevant
case number (CN-xxxxxxxx) or Support Request ID (SR-xxxxxx) is provided in
brackets after the Issue number.

XPD-8492 (CN-01765500)
BOM annotations with source 'bds', name 'omitOpposites' and value 'true' should not
create opposite EReferences for containments. Instead, a package-level annotation
should be created to indicate that opposites have been omitted.

To apply this fix, open the BOM file with a text editor and add following directly
after the opening <uml:Model> tag, save the file, and build the DAA.

<eAnnotations xmi:type="ecore:EAnnotation" source="bds">
<details xmi:type="ecore:EStringToStringMapEntry" key="omitOpposites" value="true"/>

XPD-8450 (CN-01481093, CN-01670631)
There was a REST service parsing error for integer and decimal values of zero (mapping
from a zero value always sets the target to null instead of zero).

WBPM-1572 (CN-01763837)
Data relevant to a form's dynamic script was cached resulting in incorrect
markers in scripts.


See attached Readme document for installation instructions.


TIBCO Business Studio(TM) BPM Edition 4.2.0 Hotfix 001 is available


All Supported Operating Systems


The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI,
using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.

Once logged on the hotfix can be found under the Downloads Menu:

Additional Information



TIBCO Business Studio(TM) BPM Edition 4.2.0 Hotfix 001 is available get_app