Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the first hotfix for TIBCO Business Studio 5.4.0.
Note: This Business Studio hotfix must only be used with BPM Enterprise 5.4.0 HF-001 and must not be used with BPM Enterprise 5.4.0. ================================================================================
Closed Issues in 5.4.0_HF-001 (This Release)
ACE-7016 Script validation throws exception during export DAA when array temp variable is pre-declared (that is, var list = [ ];) and then assigned from a function call or data-field. This issue also prevents script validation from raising problem markers when script is invalid.
ACE-6996 The Exclude Empty Optional Content feature has been enhanced for REST service input payloads. Optional objects and arrays are treated as empty even if they have empty required descendant objects or arrays. In other words, optional objects are considered empty unless they contain at least one descendant simple-type data property with a value.