TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.4.1 Hotfix-03 is available

TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.4.1 Hotfix-03 is available


Article ID: KB0102098


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.4.1 HF3


You can download this Hotfix from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com).  You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials.  Once logged in you can download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option, then go to /AvailableDownloads/BusinessEvents/Standard/5.4.1/hotfix-03 to download the Hotfix.

Alternatively, you can use the direct portal link to download Hotfix-03


Closed Issues in 5.4.1_HF-003 (This Release)

Database operations were failing for DBConcepts without proper database
exception messages.

In the Python-based CLI for TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Administration Agent,
there was no option to bulk-update the global variables based on a configuration
You can now use the savedeploymentvariables command to update the deployment
variables based on the supplied configuration file. The savedeploymentvariables
command is provided in the configurationMgmt.py python script file. You can use
the newly added UPDATE_DEP_VAR_PERMISSION permission for the
savedeploymentvariables command. The syntax of the command is:
savedeploymentvariables -d APPLICATIONNAME [-i [INSTANCES [INSTANCES ...]]]
    -d APPLICATIONNAME: The application name.
    [-i [INSTANCES [INSTANCES ...]]]: Identifies multiple instance names. For
    example, –i instance1 ins2 ins3. If no instances are mentioned, the
    variables are updated for all instances.
    -tp TYPE: Type of the deployment variable. The values are:
    GV(global variable), SYS(system), BE(BusinessEvents), and JVM(JVM property).
    -p PROPERTYFILE: File path of the property file containing deployment
    variable. One property file can have only one type of deployment variable.

In the Python-based CLI for TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Administration Agent,
the timeout value could not be configured.
You can configure the timeout value using the new optional parameter -gt while
executing any of the python script files. The default value is 30 seconds. The
maximum timeout you can set is 120 secs. If you want to set timeout more than
120 secs, you must change the default value of tea.agents.request-timeout
property in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator server configuration file (tea.conf).




TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.4.1 Hotfix-03 is available


All Supported Platforms


Please refer to attached readme file for installation instructions, files affected by this hotfix and list of fixes in this release.