2. Create a new folder in docker directory (e.g. "installFiles") 3. Download and copy TIBCO ActiveSpaces (AS) and BE install files (*.zip) to the new created folder. 4. Create a new folder for the application related data files like EAR, CDD file, external JARs etc (e.g. FDAppFiles) 5. Open a command window cd to docker/bin folder and build the docker image (parameter "--gv-providers consul" is required) e.g. (Windows)
set WORKHOME=D:\BE\dockerBE561\dockerscripts cd %WORKHOME%\docker\bin build_app_image.bat -l %WORKHOME%\installfiles -a %WORKHOME%\FDAppFiles -r fd:latest --gv-providers consul
6. Start/Create Consul docker container e.g. set NETWORKNAME=TestSupportConsul
# create network bridge (if it does not exist) docker network create %NETWORKNAME%
::starting consul container first time docker run -d -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600/udp --name=consul --net=%NETWORKNAME% consul agent -server -ui -node=server-1 -bootstrap-expect=1 -client=
:: Start command when container exists already docker start consul
7. Connect to Consul server and create GlobalVariables for your application(s) and the profile Format: <application>/<profile>/<GVURL>=<value>
8. Start BE application docker container
e.g. (windows): set ENGINE_NAME=IA1_FDSample set DOCKIMAGE=fd:latest set CONSULURL=http://consul:8500 set CONSUL_PROFILE=prod set DOCKIMAGE=fd:latest set APPNAME=FraudDetection set PU=default set NETWORKNAME=TestSupportConsul