TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.3.0 Hotfix-01 is available

TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.3.0 Hotfix-01 is available


Article ID: KB0100344


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.3.0 hf1


Please follow instructions below to download the hotfix: 

- Login to TIBCO Support Portal ​using your TIBCO Support Portal credentials.  
- After logging in select menu option “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” , then navigate to /AvailableDownloads/BusinessEvents/EnterpriseEdition/6.3.0/hotfix-01 to download the Hotfix.
- Alternatively, you can use the direct portal link to download 6.3.0 Hotfix-01. 

Closed Issues in 6.3.0_HF-001 (This Release)

The exception in call to the render function occurs when the parameter is a concept
or an event in XPATH 2.0.

Some of the entity tables are not migrated correctly when migration done
from Legacy Lookup to Keybase Lookup.
If the Concepts with the same name (different URI) were deleted then, 
the entity tables loaded from the project fails.

The BE 6.x (TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.x) connection is not closed properly when 
migration from BE 6.x (TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.x) to BE 6.x (Apache Ignite) 
is finished.
If connected as a peer member then, the ActiveSpaces cluster is unavailable
until member-timeout reached.
It is required to close all resources before exit (metaspace.closeAll()).

The connection from TIBCO BE to external Apache Ignite cluster worked 
successfully with a single discovery node.
But, there was a connectivity issue when there are more than one discovery nodes
and the port ranges.

The catalog function, "XPath.evalAs<Type>"  failed when GlobalVariables with 
XPath version 2.0 is accessed as input.

When migrating the data from BE 6.x (TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.4.1) to 
BE 6.x (Apache Ignite), Legacy mode set to True, Concepts with underscore in 
their name are ignored. 
Only Concepts without underscores in their name are loaded into the 
corresponding table of Apache Ignite . 
This issue has been fixed to load all the Concepts irrespective of underscore in
the Concept name. Apache Ignite shows all the records after migration.

The be-tea-agent did not close the JMX connection properly. The number of active
threads increased for deployed BE applications.
The agents stopped after some time with OutOfMemory exception in Ignite logs 
when the thread count reaches the system limit.

The Mapper Migration displays error, when migrating state machine from XPATH 1.0
to XPATH 2.0. 
Multiple migration passes are required because when one error is fixed in first 
pass, the resulting XPath may uncover a new error after the change.

LDAP JMX authentication was not working properly.
The following JMX authentication properties are added for secure LDAP usage:
<property name="be.mm.auth.ldap.ssl.trustStore" value="<locationTrustStoreFile_jks>"/>
<property name="be.mm.auth.ldap.ssl.trustStoreType" value="JKS"/>
<property name="be.mm.auth.ldap.ssl.trustStorePassword" value="<trustStorePassword>"/>



TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 6.3.0 Hotfix-01 is available


All Supported Platforms


Please refer to attached hotfix readme file for installation instructions, affected files and list of fixes in this release.


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