TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.13.2 Hotfix-001 : - Receive Mail - OAuth 2.0 feature upgrade

TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.13.2 Hotfix-001 : - Receive Mail - OAuth 2.0 feature upgrade


Article ID: KB0071953


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.13.2 Hotfix-01


There is a feature upgrade performed for the OAUTH 2.0 support available for Receive Mail palette activity through BW 5.13.2_HF-001. Earlier you need to generate the access token required for OAUTH 2.0 support using any third party tool like postman upon provisioning all the required configuration.
Through this feature upgrade, now you can generate and renew the access token automatically through using TIBCO BusinessWorks Receive Mail palette activity upon providing the required configuration through the TIBCO Designer UI.


This article describes the feature upgrade performed for the OAUTH 2.0 support available for Receive Mail palette activity through BusinessWorks 5.13.2 HF-001.


To use the OAuth 2.0 authentication, you must need a Receive Mail palette activity in an existing project and then need to select:

Protocol = IMAP

Authentication = OAuth 2.0.

Here are the following parameters that needs to be provided for the successful OAUTH validation and configuration:
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Access token URL
  • Scope
  • Grant Type

Client ID :- The Client ID issued to the client during the client registration process

Client Secret:- The Client Secret issued to the client during the client registration process.

Access token URL:- The endpoint for the authentication server. This is used to exchange the authorization code for the access token.

Scope:- The scope of the access request.

Grant Type :- Client Credentials.

Note :- Currently Client Credentials as a grant type is supported.

Note: This is a property based solution.The default value is “300 seconds”.If the user wants to modify this value: name of the property is “com.tibco.bw.plugin.mail.oauth.bufferintervalfornewaccesstoken”; which can be set in bwengine.tra/designer.tra. So, the new access token would be fetched 05 minutes before the existing token expires ; in time automatically. Users can configure and override as per their requirement.However it is recommended not to set this value less than 30 second of token's expires_in time.