TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.9.1 Hotfix-04 is available

TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.9.1 Hotfix-04 is available


Article ID: KB0100077


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.9.1


You can download this HotFix from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com). You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials. Once logged in you can download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to the AvailableDownloads/BusinessWorks/6.9.1/Hotfix-04. 


Closed Issues in 6.9.1_HF-004 (This Release)



The Timezone modifications via TEA is not loading.



MutexGroup is not found.



NPE error at ImSerializerRegistry.getSerializer(ImSerializerRegistry.java) in 

appnode logs for group mode with oracle DB.



When the consumer receives the request from the producer and then replies to 

the producer on a temporary destination, then the JMS Request Reply Activity 

throws an exception "Producer is Closed".



Empty field is not showing in the xml tag of the Rendezvous RequestReply 

Activity output.



The Timezone modifications via TEA is not loading.



Transitions not evaluating correctly with custom XPath 2.0 with VM argument 

property. Use property "-Dbw.xml.comparable.legacy.booleanSingletonCheck=false" 

along with "-Dbw.engine.use.transition.xpath.expression.lang.1.0=true" 

to get the expected result.



REST API Schema is throwing "Illegal start-complex invocation error" 

The fix is in two parts

1. With this fix, we now have added a validation check under 

Window->Preferences->BusinessWorks->Validation->WSDL Import Namespace Collision

for locating missing schema locations. The default value for this setting will 

be pre-set to Ignore means no error related to WSDL namespace collision is thrown.

The users needs to set this to Error or Warning for which in the Problems Tab, 

the error related to WSDL namespace collision is seen, it can be quick fixed 

on most of the occasions.


2. Users need to set the below property to resolve the runtime error 

"Illegal start-complex invocation error" 




In a scenario of bw appnode failover (2 appnodes in FT group) 

following the recovery of the leader/primary appnode, the consumer count remained

2 & the messages were stuck in the queue only. Now, after using the below 2 

properties, in both the appnode.tra files & upon switchover back to the primary 

appnode,the consumer count becomes 1 & even the messages are not getting stuck.





Earlier, parallel execution was causing issues. 

This problem has now been resolved.



TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.9.1 Hotfix-04 is available


You can also download the hotfix using the below link:




TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.9.1 Hotfix-04 is available get_app
TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.9.1 Hotfix-04 is available get_app