TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Collaborator Desktop PDF/ XLS/XML file attached to Task fails to open through IE browser.
Article ID: KB0084302
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator
Not Applicable
In TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Collaborator Desktop, PDF/XLS/XML file attached to task fails to open through IE browser. Excel file open with garbage characters and PDF/XML file redirect to open with non-existent program. However Firefox/Chrome browser opens both attachments without any issue.
TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Collaborator Desktop PDF/ XLS/XML file attached to Task fails to open through IE browser.
Clear browser cache (CTRL+SHIFT+DEL) and restart TOMCAT and BROWSER.
Make sure below entries should exists in IcJavaMIMETypes.txt
text/plain txt ascii text text/html html text/html application/msword doc Word for Windows application/zip zip Zipped File text/richtext rtf Rich Text Format application/pdf pdf Adobe Acrobat image/png png Portable Network Graphics image/gif gif Graphic Image Format image/jpg jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ppt Microsoft Powerpoint application/vnd.ms-excel xls Microsoft Excel application/vnd.ms-project ppj Microsoft Project text/xml xml XML