TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration - Connect Connector for NetSuite (CData) Metadata Load Timing Out

TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration - Connect Connector for NetSuite (CData) Metadata Load Timing Out


Article ID: KB0075234


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


Note:  TIBCO Scribe Online has been rebranded as Connect within TIBCO Cloud Integration.  For a period of time, both products will be available as subscriptions are renewed on the TIBCO Cloud platform.  This article refers to both products.

There are times when retrieving metadata for a new connection using the Connector for NetSuite (CData) results in a timeout.  This most likely is due to the user account not having the necessary permissions associated with the role they are assigned to in NetSuite.



Retrieving the metadata for the Connector for NetSuite (CData) may result in a Timeout


In order to identify what permissions are missing from the user's role, the agent logs can be reviewed and you will see permission error entries like the following... "[500] Permission Violation: You need the 'Other Custom Fields' permission to access this page. Please contact your account administrator."

Once the permission that is missing is identified in the agent logs, it can then be added to that user’s role in NetSuite to resolve the timeout error when loading the metadata.