These guidelines are used for validation of Healthcare transactions only, and do not affect non-Healthcare or
lobal Markets customers. To stay current with changes that were made to the HIPAA standards after our latest
Instream / HIPAA Validator Desktop release, we are providing this interim guideline-only update.
IMPORTANT: In general, HIPAA Guideline Updates with version 8.7.0 and later require Instream and/or HIPAA
Validator Desktop version 8.7.0 or later. For a list of the changes that have been made for this release, please
view the Readme_interim_guideline_update_9.0.0.3.txt file. These changes will be included in the next
Instream / Desktop release.
Downloading UpdatesUpdates can be found on the home page. Once you have signed in, click on the Hotfixes
drop-down, (top right-hand side), select Hotfixes.
Once on the Available Hotfixes screen, navigate to: AvailableDownloads/Foresight/Guidelines_Standards.
Contact UsPlease direct any questions about this change to TIBCO Foresight Technical Support.
support@tibco.comWeb: (Note: Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do not have one, you can request one.
You must have a valid maintenance or support contract to use this site.)