TIBCO Foresight InStream MAC Adapter, 4.0.0, Hotfix 4, May 22, 2020

TIBCO Foresight InStream MAC Adapter, 4.0.0, Hotfix 4, May 22, 2020


Article ID: KB0101504


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Foresight Instream MAC Adapter 4.0.0


TIBCO Foresight InStream MAC Adapter, 4.0.0, Hotfix 4, May 22, 2020


TIBCO Foresight InStream MAC Adapter, 4.0.0, Hotfix 4, May 22, 2020


We are pleased to notify you of updates to the TIBCO Foresight Instream MAC Adapter.  The TIBCO Foresight Instream MAC Adapter has the latest CMS requirements for healthcare.  

NOTE: This hotfix is for Encounter and  Chart Review lines of business ONLY.  It does NOT affect FFS processing and does not need to be install for FFS MACs.

All hotfixes are accumulative. The text file, CMS_Adaptor_Fixes_20200522.txt, which identifies the updates to the CMS edit numbers, guidelines, and error numbers, is also available in the hotfix folder.

The below files are included as part of the hotfix installation:
The file, CMS_Adaptor_Installation_Notes_20200522.txt, describes how to install the most recent CMS Adaptor update.
The file, CMS_File_List_20200522.txt, list all the files and dates included in the release.
ATTENTION: If you are upgrading Instream, Studio, or Translator, you will need to download the software from the https://edelivery.tibco.com.

Downloading Updates

Updates can be found on the support.tibco.com home page. Once you have signed in, click on the Hotfixes
drop-down, (top right-hand side), select Hotfixes.
Once on the Available Hotfixes screen, navigate to:  AvailableDownloads/Foresight/Instream_MAC_Adaptor/4.0.0.

Contact Us
Please direct any questions about this change to TIBCO Foresight Technical Support.
E-mail:  support@tibco.com
Web:  https://support.tibco.com 
(Note: Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do not have one, you can request one. You must have a valid maintenance or support contract to use this site.)