TIBCO Hawk 6.2.1 Hotfix 05 is now available

TIBCO Hawk 6.2.1 Hotfix 05 is now available


Article ID: KB0072423


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk 6.2.1


The customer will be able to download the Hotfix from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI using their username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page. Once logged on they can find the Hotfix under the Download Menu:



The customer will be able to download the Hotfix by using a direct link to Hawk/6.2.1/hotfix-04

Refer to  Article 000022290: How can TIBCO customers download/access all GA hotfixes
Link to Article  000022290:https://support.tibco.com/s/article/hotfix

Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 6.2.1.hotfix5 (This Release)

Once a rulebase is created, it cannot be renamed

Once a rulebase is created in the rulebase repository, it cannot be renamed

Once a schedule is created in the rulebase repository, it cannot be renamed

Once a schedule is created, it cannot be renamed

Increase the table size limit of agents table inside the domain to 200

On the Universal collector screen, it is difficult to find an agent from the available list of agents present in the dropdown list

Alert treemap disappears if there are 400+ active agents

Rulebase cannot be renamed while deriving it from another rulebase

Rulebase can't be renamed while deriving it from another rulebase in the rulebase repository

Apply authorizations to Repository Rulebases as per access control file
The existing hawkconsole_user_access_list.cfg has been updated to accommodate Repository level access control.
All the rows specified after “-M RepositorySecurity“ in hawkconsole_user_access_list.cfg

Every authorization needs to be specified on a separate row.
Every row will have two space-separated columns represented by string literals.
The first column will be a string literal specifying the user for which authorization is being defined.
The second column will be a quoted string literal. These quotes will contain three tokens each separated by a space.
The first token will specify the domain whose repository authorization is being defined.
The second and third tokens will specify wildcards representing access levels on Rulebases & Mapping functionality
in Repositories respectively. Here, the Repository level access token applies to both Rulebases and Schedules in a repository.
There are three kinds of wildcards that can be used to specify access levels as below
Asterisk (*): READ-WRITE access on a resource group.
Plus (+): READ-ONLY access on a resource group.
Minus (-): NO access or access blocked on a resource group.


TIBCO Hawk 6.2.1 Hotfix 05 is now available




Install the Hotfix with the options above. Please note that this hotfix needs to be installed with Universal Installer v3.7.4 which could be downloaded from AvailableDownloads/UniversalInstaller/ on the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI.

To work with TEA 2.4.0, TEA 2.4.0 Hotfix 01 is required. See this KB for more details regarding TEA 2.4.0 Hotfix 01.

Additional Information

Hawk 6.2.1 Hotfix 05, hotfix05


TIBCO Hawk 6.2.1 Hotfix 05 is now available get_app