TIBCO LogLogic LMI - myisamchk returns error 140

TIBCO LogLogic LMI - myisamchk returns error 140


Article ID: KB0077849


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Enterprise Virtual Appliance 6.2.0 and higher


When running myisamchk against a MySQL .MYI file, you receive an error like the one below:

Logapp root:/loglogic/data 0$ myisamchk -r -f /loglogic/data/ll_www_logs/mrgWWWLOG_0.MYI
myisamchk: error: 140 when opening MyISAM-table '/loglogic/data/ll_www_logs/mrgWWWLOG_0.MYI'



This article explains why myisamchk returns error 140 when you try to run it.


From LMI 6.2.0 onwards, a change in the MySQL version installed means that the myisamchk syntax has changed.  You should now specify the file without the .MYI extension, as below:

Logapp root:/loglogic/data 1$ myisamchk -r -f /loglogic/data/ll_www_logs/mrgWWWLOG_0
- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table '/loglogic/data/ll_www_logs/mrgWWWLOG_0'
Data records: 0
- Fixing index 1
- Fixing index 2