When attempting to upgrade LMI 6.2.1 to any future supported version the upgrade can fail very early in the process before the first reboot occurs. The error indicating the upgrade failed is displayed in the File Update page and the reason is displayed for the failure but it is not an accurate reason.
In contrast, when the upgrade process is functioning correctly you should instead see a status like that shown in the following screenshot:
A known issue with the file update process causes upgrades to fail. This article explains the symptoms, solution and also an available workaround.
Install 6.2.1 HF1 to resolve this issue. After HF1 is installed initiate the file update again. Having HF1 for 6.2.1 is a pre-requisite for upgrading to future LMI versions when upgrading from 6.2.1. If you can't install HF1 then an available workaround is to initiate the upgrade using the CLI command system update as root (not toor). If you are already logged in as toor because you were running commands like healthcheck to prepare for the GUI-based upgrade then simply run the su command and then you can initiate the CLI-based upgrade because all the upgrade files should still be in place. See the output below:
Logapp root:/loglogic/update 0$ su
LogAppliance MXVirtual
(c)2002-2018 TIBCO Software Inc. Version 6.2.1
Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands.
> system update Choose an update file from the list: 0: update-2019xxxxxxxxxx-full.tar.bz2 1: exit >> 0 Extracting update.