TIBCO LogLogic Universal Collector - Where to download LGPL assemblies

TIBCO LogLogic Universal Collector - Where to download LGPL assemblies


Article ID: KB0071897


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TIBCO LogLogic Universal Collector All


At times, you might not have access to the TIBCO download location of the LGPL assemblies while installing Universal Collector. However, one of the steps for the installing process is to either let the installer to automatically download the LGPL assemblies or provide a path where the installer can find the pre-downloaded assemblies package.


How to obtain the LGPL assemblies package when Universal Collector installing server has no access to the TIBCO download location


If - for some reason - the server on which you are installing Universal Collector does not have internet access to the TIBCO download location, then the LGPL assemblies package can be manually pre-downloaded from TIBCO and placed in a directory accessible to the Universal Collector installer.

The URL to download the LGPL assemblies applicable for your LogLogic Universal Collector version from TIBCO is:
http://public.tibco.com/pub/tibco_oss/loguc/TIB_loguc_lgpl_<version of UC>.zip

For example, the LGPL assemblies for Universal Collector version 2.9.0 can be manually downloaded at http://public.tibco.com/pub/tibco_oss/loguc/TIB_loguc_lgpl_2.9.0.zip

During Universal Collector installation, you can select the previously downloaded assemblies option on the Download Assemblies page and specify the absolute path to the assemblies .zip file.