TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center/Internet Server 8.2.1 hotfix HF-005 is now available

TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center/Internet Server 8.2.1 hotfix HF-005 is now available


Article ID: KB0101298


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center 8.2.1


Hotfix TIB_mftccis_8.2.1_HF-005 can be downloaded from TIBCO Support Portal (https://support.tibco.com).  

You will need to provide your TIBCO Support Portal credentials.  Once logged in you can download the hotfix by selecting the “Downloads” -> “Hotfixes” option. Then go to “/AvailableDownloads/MFT/CommandCenter-InternetServer/8.2.1/” to download the hotfix.

The .zip file has the Readme file inside. Please unzip the file and review the Readme file for instructions on how to apply the hotfix.


Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the fifth hotfix for TIBCO Managed File
Transfer (MFT) Command Center 8.2.1 and TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT)
Internet Server 8.2.1.

Closed Issues in 8.2.1_HF-005 (This Release)

Apache Struts was upgraded to version 2.5.26.

When using an Oracle database, transfers failed with the following error:
"Caught an exception IO Error: Operation interrupted"

When the Admin page retrieved diagnostics from an Internet Server or Command
Center, the following error was displayed:
"The reference to entity "component" must end with the ';' delimiter"

When a transfer user ID was a member of two groups that have server credentials
defined for the target server, transfers failed to the target server,
and this error was thrown:
"userid is a member of more than one group mapped to nodename"

When using the Browser Transfer Client, history requests were slow because
the audit index was not used.

After executing the keystorepwd script to update the HTTPS keystore password,
the HTTPS connector did not start and this exception was received
in the catalina.out:
Http11Protocol cannot be cast to org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler

There was no option to exclude users and IP addresses from being locked out
due to invalid credentials.

Received "NoClassDefFoundError" Exception for class XMLUtil when
changing Keystore password in the keystorepwd.sh utility.

When a 1024-bit private key was assigned to a transfer or server definition,
the request failed with error:
"key size of 1024 bits is not supported"

When a transfer failed, the client ciphers were not written
to the audit record.

Password lockouts for a user were incorrectly released by a
successful key authentication.

Closed Issues in 8.2.1_HF-004

After upgrading to 8.2.1_HF-002 or 8.3.0, MFT client connections to target
SSH servers failed with one of these error message:
"EOF received from remote side"
"The host key signature is invalid"
"Failed to process key exchange"

Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version 9.0.39.

jAdaptive SSH client and server engine was upgraded to version 1.7.33.

Changes to the SSH client idle timeout were not applied until
the MFT server was restarted.

Transfers initiated by Platform Server to Internet Server did not retry when
transfers to a target SSH Server failed with the error message:
"Connection lost: The SFTP connection has been closed."

When hotfix 8.2.1_HF-003 was installed on top of hotfix 8.2.1_HF-002,
Apache Tomcat was not upgraded to version 9.0.37.

When database connections were terminated, logins and file transfers failed.
Note: Three new web.xml parameters were added:
ValidationInterval:           Defines the interval to wait after a database
                              connection is validated before validating the
                              connection again.
                              Any numeric value is accepted, but we suggest
                              setting the parameter no higher than 60 seconds
                              or 60000 milliseconds.
                              The default value is 30 seconds.
ValidationIntervalTimePeriod: Defines if ValidationInterval is in seconds or
                              Valid values are seconds and milliseconds.  
                              The default value is seconds.
TestOnConnect:                Defines whether a validation query is sent when
                              a new connection is established.  
                              Valid values are true and false.
                              The default value is false.

Closed Issues in 8.2.1_HF-003

After 8.2.1_HF-001 hotfix was applied, FTP/S client PORT mode (ACTIVE mode)
connections timed out while waiting for the data connection to be established.

Apache Tomcat was upgraded to version to 9.0.37.

Apache Struts was upgraded to version 2.5.22.

Users could not be restricted from creating or transferring files with
servers having "Server Type=LOCAL".
Note: A new web.xml parameter was added that allows you to disable the ability
to create or transfer files with servers having "Server Type=LOCAL":
The default value is True.
True:  Allows transfers with existing servers having "Server Type=LOCAL".
False: Does not allow admins to create server definitions with
       "Server Type=LOCAL", and does not allow transfers with
       existing servers having "Server Type=LOCAL".

During audit search, when the AS2 MDN Status check box was selected
and the department was defined, the following error message was received:
"Ambiguous column name 'Aux8'"

When an HTTP, FTP, or SFTP client renamed or deleted a file, the audit record
"Client IP Address" was blank.

Closed Issues in 8.2.1_HF-002

Connections to target SSH Servers using Key Exchange Algorithm
"curve25519-sha256@libssh.org" failed with the error message,
"The host key signature is invalid."

When the collector was unable to find the last transfer collected, collection
stopped for that server.
Note: A new parameter (Reset Collection History) has been added to
Manage Servers > Management Options > Platform Server Management Option.
Reset Collection History - This parameter resets the collection history.
It removes the last transfer ID collected from the collector, and collection
resumes from the time the last transfer was collected.

When a connection manager server on the Manage Connection Manager
Nodes page was clicked, an exception was received.

When a SOAP call was executed with an invalid tag, the host name was
incorrectly returned.

When server credentials were defined, connections to Azure Storage failed.

SSHTools was upgraded to version 1.7.31.

JQuery was upgraded to version 3.5.1.

When an MFT SSH client connected to an SSH server, the order specified in the
web.xml file was not used for SSHKeyExchange, Ciphers, MessageDigest/hash.

Tomcat was upgraded to version 9.0.35.

When a StorageException error message was received for an Azure request,
adequate information about the error was not displayed. Now additional
information about the error is provided.

When "Update Transfer" REST call was used, the existing PPA could not
be reset or disabled.

An "Internet Transfer" job for a virtual alias to virtual alias transfer
that was scheduled did not retain the directory structure on the target
system when the #(NODRIVE) token was used.

When an SCP client closed the connection, MFT was not notified causing
a thread to remain active even after the connection was closed.

On the Update PGP Key page, the value "null" was displayed in the message
instead of the user ID or server name:
"Existing PGP key for null"

Data in the Browser and Admin message.jsp page was not encoded properly.

SOAP call "releaseSingleRemoteLock" returned an incorrect value.

When verifying a connection to a MySQL database, the following error message
was received:
"Failed to establish a connection to the database: java.sql.SQLException:
The server time zone value 'EDT' is unrecognized or represents
more than one time zone"

When Java 11 running in FIPS mode was used, MFT DB Reports received
an exception.

When selecting a transfer, audit poll failed because the start/end date of 201x
instead of 202x was used.

Incorrect French messages were displayed on the Internet Server browser pages.

When the database was installed on a UNIX or Linux computer,
the Alert Database Reports failed with a database error.

When an AS2 non-default encryption key was specified to sign on to
an AS2 Server, MFT checked the AS2 default key instead of the non-default
encryption specified for validation.

When a file was renamed, the browser transfer client displayed the actual path
instead of the virtual path.

File renaming did not check the restrict REGEX rules.

After a transfer completed, an ArrayOutOfBoundary error message was received,
and it caused the audit record not to be written.

Jackson software was upgraded to version 2.10.2.

During audit search when the Audit Type was set to "Both",
the AS2 MDN Status check box was selected, and the User Data was defined,
the following error message was received:
"Ambiguous column name 'Aux4'"

Bootstrap was upgraded to version 4.4.1.

AngularJS was upgraded to version 1.7.9.

When the target server was an SFTP Server, the "Transfer Status" failure email
notification did not show all the details.

The MFT Server did not shut down correctly.

When an FTPS login was requested using trusted certificates and MFT did not
find a match on the certificate Distinguished Name (DN), tracing had to be
turned on to find the DN.
When "Forgot User Name" or "Forgot Password" was executed, emails were sent
even if the email address was not in the MFT database.

When the database settings in the dbsettings.bat utility were saved, a
"NoClassDefFoundError" exception was received for class XMLUtil.

When a server with an AS2 system key created in a prior MFT version in
PKCS12 format was added, the following message was received:
"No certificate found for alias: as2"

Audit poll and collector support were added for Pre-Processing Actions (PPA).

Closed Issues in 8.2.1_HF-001

An admin user of a department was unable to add a protocol public key for a
user in the same department.

For the "Purge DB Tables" and "Purge Log Files" job type options on the
scheduler, the number of days was not saved in the database and was not
displayed in the Update Job page.

On the Manage Users page, when a case-sensitive database was used, values
provided in lowercase in Users were not displayed when the "Next 100" link
was clicked.

The silent installer failed when trying to access the database-lib directory
on UNIX.

No email alert was sent when an Internet Transfer Job transfer failed
because the source file was not found.

When the AdBlock Plus plug-in was installed, the Internet Transfer browser
page was displayed as a blank page after a successful logon.

An FTPS client SSL negotiation timed out when communicating to a target
Platform Server.

Connection Manager Agent and Connection Manager Server installations failed
with the message:
 "ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"
Note: Two files are distributed with this hotfix.  
CMAInstall.jar: Connection Manager Agent install files.
     Copy this file to the Internet Server install root directory and
     use this file when installing Connection Manager Agent.                    
CMSInstall.jar: Connection Manager Server install files
     Copy this file to the Command Center install root directory and
     use this file when installing Connection Manager Server

When a user clicked on "Help" on the Internet Server browser client, an old
version of the "Transfer and File Share Clients User's Guide" was displayed.


TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center/Internet Server 8.2.1 hotfix HF-005 is now available


All supported environments