Fixes included in this Hotfix
NIMW-4536 - Summary: An 'out-of-memory' error would be displayed when performing a large data export using CtrldataExport.
NIMW-5036 - Summary: Changes made to actions in the Web Server were not being saved.
NIMW-5056 - Summary: When a data table linked to an activity was renamed, the SOAP API would return the original data table name instead of the new one.
NIMW-5057 - Summary: When using the find and replace operation to rename a child diagram, the application would display a dialog confirming the name change, however the diagram name would not have been updated.
NIMW-5058 - Summary: The integrity report run on a map in the Author Client was displaying the broken diagram links correctly, however the link was referring to the wrong source.
NIMW-5092 - Summary: The SOAP API was not handling vertical tabs in text correctly (shift+enter). They are now converted to a 'space' character.
NIMW-5109 - Summary: A 'data error 9999' error message was being displayed when trying to package a draft map.
NIMW-5136 - Summary: An 'out of system resources' issue was being caused by the use of device dependent bitmaps in the code.
NIMW-5173 - Summary: In rare cases the 9.6.0 to 10.0.0 Migration Utility would fail, displaying a 'List index out of bounds (2351)' error message.
Files Affected by this Hotfix
The following files are provided in this hotfix for customers on (Customers on earlier versions must do a full installation using the Setup.exe):
- Ctrl.exe
- CtrlDataExport.exe
- WebSvr.dll
- CtrlMigration96To100.exe
Please see attached ReadMe for further information