TIBCO Nimbus 10.2 Hotfix 4 is now available

TIBCO Nimbus 10.2 Hotfix 4 is now available


Article ID: KB0102062


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus 10.2


This notice is to inform you that a hotfix for TIBCO Nimbus V 10.2.0 has been released.  Hotfix 04

Please see details attached for information on fixes included, and installation instructions

This hotfix can be accessed by maintained on premise customers and can be downloaded from https://support.tibco.com 
If you are a customer of the TIBCO Nimbus Cloud service - we will contact you in due course to arrange an upgrade.

If you have any questions relating to this, please raise a case to the TIBCO Support team via https://support.tibco.com and we will be pleased to help you


TIBCO Nimbus 10.2 Hotfix 4 is now available


TIBCO Nimbus V 10.2.


Fixes in this Hotfix (

Summary: Recurring review to-dos were being sent to standard reviewers.

Summary: An error message was being displayed when users were deleting drilldowns in the German translated Author Client.

Summary: It was not possible to set a Contributor user without the Change Module as an Acknowledger on a draft diagram. A 'Draft diagram access disabled' error message was displayed, despite the user having the correct permissions.

Summary: Garbage collection of deleted diagrams in SSync could fail with ElevateDB Error #1004 under specific circumstances.

Summary: LDAP synchronization was failing with a duplicate key violation exception. 

Files affected by this hotfix

Due to the number of files affected by this hotfix it is recommended a  re-install of the Author Client, Action Server and Web Server is performed.
This hotfix applies to V 10.2.0 of TIBCO Nimbus only