TIBCO Offer and Price Engine 5.1.0 Hotfix-002 is now available

TIBCO Offer and Price Engine 5.1.0 Hotfix-002 is now available


Article ID: KB0100964


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Offer and Price Engine 5.1.0


TIBCO Offer and Price Engine 5.1.0 Hotfix-002 is now available

This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Web User Interface using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.
Once logged in, you can find the hotfix under the Downloads Menu: "AvailableDownloads/ActiveFulfillment/5.1.0/OPE-HotFix002"

Files available for download: 


Please take a look at the Readme file for the instructions on how to apply the hotfix.


TIBCO Offer and Price Engine 5.1.0 Hotfix-002 is now available




Closed Issues in 5.1.0_HF-002 (This Release)

OPES-1318 - While running the PostgreSQL database scripts, error messages are displayed.

OPES-1283 - When TIBCO Offer and Price Engine is deployed in containers such as Docker and Kubernetes, an out-of-memory error for Java Heap space occurs.

OPES-1221 - Icelandic characters are not displayed correctly in TIBCO OPE.

OPES-1220 - The ProductRequiredFor property is used for validation purposes only.

OPES-1216 - TIBCO OPE returns duplicate "PriceInformationType" sections in the GetPriceInformation response.

OPES-1215 - Unexpected behavior is observed in TIBCO OPE when a GetOffer request is made by setting the filters to Segment-Category Segment-RecordSubType.

OPES-1156 - The performance of TIBCO Offer and Price Engine improves by changing its configurations.