TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available

TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available


Article ID: KB0100381


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TIBCO Order Management -


TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available

This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Web User Interface using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged in, you can find the hotfix under the Downloads Menu: "AvailableDownloads/ActiveFulfillment/5.0.1/LR-Hotfix005"

Files available for download: 

- TIB_om-lr_5.0.1_HF-005_readme.txt
- TIB_om-lr_5.0.1.md5
- TIB_om-lr_5.0.1-HF5.zip

Please take a look at the Readme file for the instructions on how to apply the hotfix.


TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available




Closed Issues in 5.0.1_HF-005 (This Release)

The OMS_purge_orders.sh script is added to the TIBCO Order Management - Long Running 
5.0.1_HF-005 Hotfix.

ROLE_USER is incorrectly authorized to move the plan item status from Execution 
to Error. 
Only ADMIN_USER must have this authority.

The affinity inLink does not work after the first order line.
NOTE: The GLOBAL_PRODUCT_NAME is chosen randomly from the merged plan items for 
the affinity plan item.

In the configDBrepo.properties file, the OMS server fails to start when the password 
is encrypted for the database configurator.

Note: To encrypt a password, run the startEncryption.sh (for Linux) or startEncryption.ps1 
(for Windows) script from the $OM_HOME/samples/EncryptPWDUtility/standalone/bin directory.
To access the EncryptPWDUtility interface, navigate to http://localhost:9060/swagger-ui.html. 

When the amendment is in‐progress, the PlanitemExecuteReply command from the 
process component fails.
As a fix, two new properties are added to the ConfigValues_OMS.xml file. 
To redirect the messages to a different queue 
(tibco.aff.orchestrator.suspended.planItem.redirect.execute.reply), set the 
redirectSuspendedPlanItemExecuteReply flag as true.

When you send a cancel request, the value of the "submittedDate" tag in the 
GetOrderDetails response is overwritten. It reflects the cancel request time 
and not the time when the order is submitted.

SubmitOrderRequest fails on validation while mapping the linkID on the 
OrderLine level. The OrderService WSDL file is updated and DB upgrade scripts 
are introduced to fix this issue.

Support for RHEL-8 has been added to the TIBCO Order Management - Long Running
5.0.1_HF-005 Hotfix.

An order cannot be canceled if you have already changed the order details.



TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available get_app