TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-006 is now available
Article ID: KB0100083
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TIBCO Order Management
TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-006 is now available
This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Web User Interface using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged in, you can find the hotfix under the Downloads Menu: "AvailableDownloads/ActiveFulfillment/5.0.1/LR-Hotfix006"
Please take a look at the Readme file for the instructions on how to apply the hotfix.
TIBCO(R) Order Management - Long Running 5.0.1 HF-005 is now available
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 5.0.1_HF-006 (This Release)
AF-18522 The 'OMS_purge_orders.sql' script has a reference to the 'orderidhistorysid' field, which does not exist in the tenant database.
AF-18492 Support for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 8.7.0 is added.
AF-18114 You cannot perform amendments with valid requests, encountering the "AMENDMENT_INVALID_ACTION_AND_UDF" error.
AF-17709 Changing the 'com.tibco.fom.orch.enableThrottling' property from false to true in the ConfigValues_OMS.xml file and restarting the OMS server generates an error.
AF-17623 The plan items do not execute even though all dependent plan items are completed.
AF-17594 The plan calculation in COMP plan item does not display correctly after amendment.
AF-17593 The order does not respond after receiving an amendment request.
AF-17592 A security vulnerability issue is identified in the Order Management System UI.
AF-17591 After the second amendment, the following error is seen: "[TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100065] - Action and UDFs cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line."
AF-17590 After the second amendment, Fulfillment Order Management displays incorrect dependencies between milestones.
AF-17588 After the fourth amendment, the following error is seen: "[TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100065] - Action and UDFs cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line."
AF-17587 After you amend a plan, unexpected REDO plan items are generated in the plan.
AF-17372 The OMS server fails to start and displays the ORA-02291 error.
AF-17370 Amendments remain in the 'Start' state in the database but are not visible in the FOM UI amendment section.
AF-17080 The 'com.tibco.af.oms.pooledDataSource.host' property is taken into account even when 'com.tibco.af.oms.pooledDataSource.url' is hard-coded, which is not expected.
AF-17011 Encrypted values are displayed in decrypted form in the logs, which is not expected.
AF-16455 After an amendment, the 'planitemExecuteRequest' of the affinity plan item contains lines that do not satisfy the UDF decomposition and are cancelled during the amendment.
AF-14077 A dependency error occurs after you amend an order for the fourth time.
AF-14072 The Retry and DeadLetter mechanisms are missing for the standalone AOPD calls.
AF-14069 An unexpected error occurs during the amendment of an order line.
AF-14067 An error occurs when you run the CANCEL command to amend an order for the second time.
AF-14066 When you send an amendment request, a null point exception occurs and the amendment plan generation fails.
AF-13151 A security vulnerability issue is identified in TIBCO Order Management System.
AF-10343 You cannot start Fulfillment Order Management because of undeleted entries in the 'batchmetadatack' table.