TIBCO Scribe® Insight Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 365 And CRM 5.6.0 hotfix 4 is now available.

TIBCO Scribe® Insight Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 365 And CRM 5.6.0 hotfix 4 is now available.


Article ID: KB0101534


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Scribe Insight 7.9.3


This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Portal. After logging in to the portal, select the Downloads menu option and select Hotfixes from the dropdown menu. Then navigate to AvailableDownloads/Scribe/Insight/Adapters/CRM/5.6.0/hotfix-04.

Closed Issues in 5.6.0_HF-04


Upserts with a lookup alternate key update but do not create records. 

Symptoms: An unknown error is returned from CRM.



TIBCO Scribe® Insight Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 365 And CRM 5.6.0 hotfix 4 is now available.


Resolution: For all other alternate key types the key is used to create the record, however, in this case it must be mapped to both the key and the Target entity to work properly. Changes were made accordingly.

See the attached readme file for instructions on how to install the hotfix.


TIBCO Scribe® Insight Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 365 And CRM 5.6.0 hotfix 4 is now available. get_app